3 Reasons Why You Should Go for Solar

As the power prices are rushing up, is it the time to move solar? Yes, it is the right time to move solar. Whether you are going solar for financial, personal or environmental reasons, solar power will have something for everyone. Here are 3 reasons why you should go for solar.

1. Solar Saves Money

– Solar panels harness the sunlight and produce energy. By this, you don’t need to purchase energy from the grid. You can also earn credits for selling your energy into the grid.

2. Solar Incentives

– Victoria Government Solar Incentives reduces the upfront cost for purchasing a Solar PV System. The Government is providing a rebate of $2225 along with the interest-free loan equal to the cost of the solar panels rebate. Government is reducing the rebate and amount to $1888 by Jan 2020. But still, you’ll able to getting the benefit of the rebate.

3. Solar Provide Great Return

– Installing solar can provide greats returns in form savings, reducing your power bills and even adding up value to your property. Also, Solar panels generally require little maintenance. They are very long-lasting and should last around 25-30 years with no maintenance.