5 Steps Guide on How Solar Panel Works

1. Solar Panels Convert Sunlight to DC Electricity
– Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it to clean green DC electricity.

2. Inverter Converts DC Electricity to AC Electricity
– The solar inverter converts Direct Current (DC) Electricity into Alternating Current (AC) Electricity which is used by most home appliances. This is sometimes called “Conditioning” the power.

3. Take Electricity for Home Use
– AC electricity from the inverter is sent to the switchboard wherever it’s directed to the different circuits and appliances in your house that needs electricity.

4. Leftover Electricity Goes Back to the Grid
– When the solar energy system generates more electricity than your home needs during peak sunlight hours, leftover power goes back to the electricity grid.

5. Electricity is Measured by the Net Meter
– At the point when solar energy delivers more power than is required throughout peak-sun hours, excess electricity is exported to the electricity grid and for this situation the meter runs backwards, giving the system’s owner credits for the units provided. This is called Net Metering.