How can I apply for the Solar Rebate in Victoria?
1. Feed Your Contact And Quote Details
– In the Solar Vic Website portal application, enter your email address and phone number and click on Next. On next page select your chosen solar retailer by typing in the name in the field, enter your quote number and your quote amount provided by your solar retailer.
2. Find Your Quote In The Portal
– Once you fill up your contact & quote details, you will proceed to the quote details. Select the products whether its Solar PV System or Solar Battery. Also, confirm that the suburb and rebate type matches with a quote.
3. Applicant Details
– Select your homeownership type, whether you are an owner or landlord.
4. Uploading Your Council Rates Notice
– Upload your most recent council rates notice, To verify the rebate the property should be an existing property, valued at under $3 million.
5. Quote Verification
– Once all your details and rates notice is abided, you will be verified to apply for the rebate.
6. Filling Up Homeowner Details
– Enter the details of the homeowner listed on the rates notice, Upload a recent Notice of Assessment received from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to prove this information is accurate. Click on the box to confirm that you’ve have not applied for a rebate before.
7. Rebates And Loans Details
– After Selecting your primary applicant and submitting the details, you will be advised of your rebate amount, loan amount and terms involved. If you are eligible for a loan, you’ll be offered the default loan amount of up to $2,225. You can accept or decline it.
8. Loan Details
– If you select to apply for a loan, the terms and conditions will be listed and complete the customer declaration understanding the agreement. Confirm you want to enter the loan contract.
9. Bank Details
– Enter your banking details of where the repayment will be withdrawn from.
10. Confirm Your Identity
– To confirm that you are the homeowner, submit this application with one list of approved documents and upload it. Submit these documents to confirm your identity.
11. Confirmation
– To confirm your identity online you will need a smartphone.
The portal determines if your phone can be used to confirm your identity! Enter your mobile number and you will be received an SMS with a link.
12. Uploading Photos
– After providing two forms of identification and photo of your own. After identification, you will be successfully verified for next process.
13. Review Your Details
– Read all the details you’ve provided are correct or incorrect if they are true review and confirm it by clicking it. You can go back and edit any incorrect details.
14. Consent And Declaration
– Confirm and declare that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and that you agree to Solar Victoria’s Privacy Policy.
15. Submit Your Application
– Once you’ve confirmed the terms and conditions and privacy policy. You’re able to submit your application.
16. Done
– After submitting your application, You’ll receive an email from the portal confirming that they’ve received your application.